Why Websites Are Important for Your Business / by Juhee Lee

In a world where any and all questions are directed toward a search engine, it makes sense that websites are an absolute must. It is a necessary digital introduction, and one way to make a stellar first impression. In fact, 81% of sales are a result of product research online beforehand. So all things considered, sales are nearly impossible without a proper website these days. But what do you need to include, and how do you make it enticing for your potential customers? One hint is that website conversions go up by 33% when you invest in proper branding. If you’re feeling intimidated by the time and effort put into building your website, we’ve got plenty of reasons why websites are important.

  • Controlling the Narrative: One big reason why websites are important is that they are one of the few ways your company can fully express its identity. With the wealth of reviews and articles on the internet, it’s impossible to control all the information consumers might find about your company. Taking time to build your company website grants you control in this outlet, portraying your story in the way that you want. Your website is also an easy way to feature company announcements and updates.

  • Gaining leads: Even if a visitor doesn’t make a purchase right away, your website can present opportunities to gather their contact information through email lists or newsletters. While they might not make a purchase the first time they visit, continued communication may present opportunities for sales later down the road.

  • Gathering consumer info: Various data analysis tools allow for gathering information on your website visitors. Where are they located? How much time did they spend on each of your pages? How did they land on your website? Websites can also offer a way to test out promotions and discounts without spending extra on marketing efforts on these visitors. Digital footprints give you information on how to more efficiently target your potential and current customers, demonstrating the importance of a company website.

  • Saving time on customer service: While phone calls and emails are necessary and helpful, you can avoid wasting unnecessary time by offering basic information on your website. Instead of answering simple questions individually via emails and phone calls, customers can easily access this information on the website before they reach out.

How Branding and Design Lay the Groundwork

Creating a great company website takes work, but branding and design can lay out the blueprint and make it a little easier to build. With branding and design well thought out from the beginning, you can be sure your website is the product of strategy and intention. Don’t take our word for it, see the key role that branding and design play for these websites that live proof of why websites are important.

Magic Spoon: As a healthy cereal for adults, Magic Spoon’s website is a perfect emblem of what they stand for as a brand. With whimsical animations like squiggles, moving spoons, and flying cereal, the branding makes the website stand out while also clearly showcasing its hero products. At the same time, the website doesn’t neglect the important information, like nutrition facts, and their story.

The Warren Trust: As a trust for architectural education, the architecture of The Warren Trust’s website dovetails nicely with their larger purpose. With a dual scrolling page, visitors get to read about who they are and what they do all at once.

Ivee: A wellness company designed for the digital age, Ivee’s website stands out because of its ability to explain their services in a clear way with an artistic touch. The website looks clean, simple, and modern, with copy that explains their unique services, while their photography reads professional without feeling stuffy.

Vantis: In a similar vein, we designed Vantis to be accessible and readable for older audiences, while being professional, modern, and clean for investors and medical professionals. With helpful features like animated arrows, as well as soft colors and hand-drawn illustrations, the design of Vantis’s website speaks to their brand mission.

The Pudding: The Pudding portrays its essays in a visually accessible manner, allowing design and brand purpose to come together. While many of their essays contain heavy information that might be difficult to understand, interactive graphs, games, and motion graphics make it easier and motivating to absorb the information.

Putting in the Work

Now that you know why websites are important, you know that having a company website is no longer an option. Whether you’re building a structured space with all the details or you’re looking to make an abstract and artistic statement, your website is a form of brand expression. When you take time on your branding and design and mirror it onto your website, you stand to gain much more than just sales in the long run.

RELATED: 6 Website Design Tips to Achieve Your Goals

Anastasia Salazar Ltd. is an independent design studio for tailored branding and digital designs. Reach out to learn how we can help you fuel growth and maximize your brand’s impact.